Shell Letra

Early Rise

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Shell" de Early Rise.

Shell lyrics

People around can't always tell
Whether you're in or out of your shell
Finding the corners, sitting alone
You turn out the light and hang up the phone

You're looking at me through desert eyes
That these empty conversations can't hide
But you can count on me to be there
When you decide it's too much to bear

So far and yet so close
You think that things will only get worse

The extra mile will take forever
When you think you're already there
The way may seem to be far too long
When you insist on traveling alone

[ De: ]
Trusting people may not be so bad
Forget the fears that you've always had
Pick yourself up from down in the dirt
Once in a while you are bound to get hurt

The extra mile will take forever
When you think you're already there
The way may seem to be far too long
When you insist on traveling alone

Maybe it's time to dig yourself out of this hole
Maybe it's time to burst outside of these walls

The extra mile will take forever
When you think you're already there
The way may seem to be far too long
When you insist on traveling alon
Early Rise

Early Rise


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Artista: Early Rise
Canción: Shell
Vistas: 122

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