Junkie Letra

Early Rise

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Junkie" de Early Rise.

Junkie lyrics

You smile at me from the side of your eye
Like we're sharing some kind of joke
While I sit here and watch your head
Go up in smoke

Looking around for someone to sell to
Now, that's part of your game
So you're gonna kill yourself
Don't make them do the same

Spending your life stoned out of your mind
One of these days you're gonna find
That it's too late to save yourself
You've got too good a life to waste it

Out on the street at 3 AM wondering what to do
There's someone inside your body but it isn't you
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-junkie-early-rise ]
Falling apart and you're still looking, looking to sell
And for all you care, everyone else can go to hell

Spending your life stoned out of your mind
One of these days you're gonna find
That it's too late to save yourself
You've got too good a life to waste it

You used to be someone I could talk to
Used to be my friend
Not gonna stay and watch you dying
I'm leaving, it's the end

Spending your life stoned out of your mind
One of these days you're gonna find
That it's too late to save yourself
You've got too good a life to waste it

Early Rise

Early Rise


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Artista: Early Rise
Canción: Junkie
Vistas: 141

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