Goodbye Letra

Early Rise

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Goodbye" de Early Rise.

Goodbye lyrics

You stood by me through the hardest times
You gave me everything, you were my solid ground
You picked me up when I was down
And you were there when there was no one else around

No, I'm not turning my back on you
There's something I've got to do
I'm torn between these two worlds
And I don't ever want to have to choose

Hi, goodbye again
It's time for me to go
I'll miss you, I promise to try
Not to be gone for long

Been chasing time, to make it last
And now another year has gone so fast
[ De: ]
Gone back and forth for way too long
And I know I need to decide where I belong

Everywhere I go I think of you
And how I've broken your heart in two
Please don't give up on me just yet
I know we'll find a way to make it through

Hi, goodbye again
It's time for me to go
I'll miss you, I promise to try
Not to be gone for long

I've been trying to explain to you
That it's not your fault
I still feel so close to you
Despite the distance

Hi, goodbye again
It's time for me to go
I'll miss you, I promise to try
Not to be gone for long
Early Rise

Early Rise


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Artista: Early Rise
Canción: Goodbye
Vistas: 165

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