Falling to the ground Letra

Early Rise

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Falling to the ground" de Early Rise.

Falling to the ground lyrics

You're wasting your life waiting
Waiting for it to come
You do nothing to get there
You just sit there waiting numb

You're the prisoner of your own doubts
Surrounded by enemies
Selfish pride with your last breath
Eventually willing to give in

You're falling to the ground
(I'll be waiting down there)
Waiting for your crash
(This time I won't help you)
I won't miss you so take care

[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-falling-to-the-ground-early-rise ]
You watch everyone around you
Think about the life you could've had
You just sit there like a stone
Seems like that's what you do best

You won't even take a small step
You chase your tail instead of your dreams
So I'll take this small step for you
And put you out of misery

You're falling to the ground
(I'll be waiting down there)
Waiting for your crash
(This time I won't help you)
I won't miss you so take care

Early Rise

Early Rise

Falling to the ground

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Artista: Early Rise
Canción: Falling to the ground
Vistas: 138

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