Janitor of lunacy Letra

Soap & Skin

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Janitor of lunacy" de Soap & Skin.

Janitor of lunacy lyrics

Janitor of lunacy, paralyze my infancy
Petrify the empty cradle
Bring hope to them and me
Janitor of tyranny, testify my vanity
Mortalize my memory, deceive the Devil's deed

Tolerate my jealousy, recognize the desperate need
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-janitor-of-lunacy-soap-skin ]
Janitor of lunacy, identify my destiny
Revive the living dream
Forgive their begging scream
Seal the giving of their seed, disease the breathing grief

Janitor of tyranny, testify my vanity
Mortalize my memory, deceive the Devil's deed

Soap & Skin

Soap & Skin

Janitor of lunacy

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Artista: Soap & Skin
Canción: Janitor of lunacy
Duración: 02:43
Vistas: 96

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