Marche funèbre Letra

Soap & Skin

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Marche funèbre" de Soap & Skin.

Marche funèbre lyrics

Grow tall skin, fold on
they said, rank the wall
I say, bad weeds grow tall
Hold on skin
They said, rank the wall
I say, bad weeds grow tall

[ De: ]
High I walk through firewall
Bad weeds grow tall
Fall, fall
Bad weeds grow tall
Hold on skin, fold on
They said, rank the wall
I say, bad weeds grow tall
Soap & Skin

Soap & Skin

Marche funèbre

Ver más info

Artista: Soap & Skin
Canción: Marche funèbre
Duración: 02:57
Vistas: 110

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