Spiracle Letra

Soap & Skin

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Spiracle" de Soap & Skin.

Spiracle lyrics

When I was a child
I toyed with dirt
An I fought
As a child
I killed the slugs I bored with a bough
In their spiracle
When I was a child
Peers pushed me hard
In my head
In my neck
In my chest
In my waist
In my butt
I still beg
Please help me

When I was a child
I threw with dung as I fought
As a child, I killed all thugs
And I bored with a bough
In their spiracle
When I was a child
Foes pushed me hard
In my
In my neck
In my chest
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-spiracle-soap-skin ]
In my waist
In my butt
I still beg
Please help me

When I was a child
I rend my tongue, distraught
As a child
I killed my thoughts
And bored with a bough
In my spiracle
When I was a child
Fears pushed me hard in my head
In my neck
In my chest
In my waist
I never loved
I still beg
Please help me

When I was a child
I bred a whore in my heart
A stillborn child
I gasp for -
The devil into my spiracle

I was a child
I was a child
I am a child

Soap & Skin

Soap & Skin


Ver más info

Artista: Soap & Skin
Canción: Spiracle
Duración: 02:49
Vistas: 120

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