Thanatos Letra

Soap & Skin

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Thanatos" de Soap & Skin.

Thanatos lyrics

Glaucoma on our eye
Plague to weather
Until they run dry

Ages of delirium, curse of my oblivion

I swell without a scar to end the time
A shell without a star at the end of time

Watch the bend of my wandering
[ De: ]
Of hunting with the lightning gun

Tremor on my heaven son
Tares above my kingdom come

Torn open tomb
I fell in your cold fission bomb
I fell in your war

Ages of delirium, curse of my oblivion
Tremor on my heaven son
Tares above my kingdom come
Soap & Skin

Soap & Skin


Ver más info

Artista: Soap & Skin
Canción: Thanatos
Duración: 02:35
Vistas: 109

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