You hit the nail on the head Letra


El tema "You hit the nail on the head" interpretado por Funkadelic pertenece a su disco "America eats its young". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "You hit the nail on the head" de Funkadelic.

You hit the nail on the head lyrics

You hit the nail on the head

You hit the nail on the head

Just because you win the fight
Don't make you right
Just because you give
Don't make you good
[ De: ]

Just because you win the fight
Don't make you right
Just because you give
Don't make you good

Ahh, somebody said,?
Somebody there is crying
Somebody said it's ???


You hit the nail on the head

Ver más info

Artista: Funkadelic
Canción: You hit the nail on the head
Duración: 07:13
Vistas: 17.897
Álbum: America eats its young
Etiquetas: p-funk, jam banding, funk, soul, long track

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