Some more Letra


El tema "Some more" interpretado por Funkadelic pertenece a su disco "Free your mind and your ass will follow". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Some more" de Funkadelic.

Some more lyrics

Much quicker? than science fiction
Is this pain, gonna my new affliction
Waves of pain are sweeping through me
Just tell me who would ever believe me
Rather than believe it's all so easy
To cause me to suffer all this grievin'
I blame it on something that can't be explained
I said that I've got a new kind of pain
I've got headache in my heart, heartache in my head

[ De: ]
Each and every single day
Money is thick in some sort of way
Forget all the doctors being absolutely certain
For months for me they can't find what's hurting
When the pills that the pain brings on
It's got nothin' to do with the fact that you're gone
You ain't the reason why I don't sleep at night
It's only because I'm trying to fight this
Headache in my heart, then I got a heartache in my head


Some more

Ver más info

Artista: Funkadelic
Canción: Some more
Duración: 02:56
Vistas: 39.681
Álbum: Free your mind and your ass will follow
Etiquetas: p-funk, psychedelic, blues, funkadelic, funk

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