Alice in my fantasies Letra


El tema "Alice in my fantasies" interpretado por Funkadelic pertenece a su disco "Standing on the verge of getting it on". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Alice in my fantasies" de Funkadelic.

Alice in my fantasies lyrics

Hey baby, be my dog
Alice in my fantasies, uh
Promised to do all kind of freaky things to me
Said she would, uh, suck my soul, if I'd lick her emotion
The freak said I would even owe her my devotion

She said she'd, uh, cover me with, uh, strawberries
And pretend that I'm a shortcake
I said, "Uh, not by the hair of my chinny chin chin"

[ De: ]

Alice in my fantasies
Promised to do all kind of things to me
Said she would, uhh, suck my soul if I'd lick her emotion
And that I would even owe her my devotion

I saidm "Uh, lady, be my dog and I'll be your tree
And you can pee on me."
Mama said never eat yellow snow
So away we go

Be my dog
They call it mental masturbation


Alice in my fantasies

Ver más info

Artista: Funkadelic
Canción: Alice in my fantasies
Duración: 02:30
Vistas: 26.996
Álbum: Standing on the verge of getting it on
Etiquetas: drjazzmrfunkmusic, funkadelic, p-funk, classic rock, funk

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