Weightless Letra

City And Colour

El tema "Weightless" interpretado por City And Colour pertenece a su disco "Little hell". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Weightless" de City And Colour.

Weightless lyrics

Come close,
Lay next to me

Come close,
Lay next to me
I need to tell you something important

Stay close,
Lay next to me
I need to feel important

Because it's your eyes I don't believe
And my heart, I know, you will deceive
Do you know the consequence that comes with such confidence?

Holding all the weight in my life
Now you turn and walk away from me

[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-weightless-city-and-colour ]
So what is this now, you ask of me?
What's makes your pain such an urgency?
Now I want out, so plain to see
Once again my dear, a new tragedy

Holding all the weight in my life
Now you turn and walk away from me
Holding all the weight in my life
Now you turn and walk away from me

Needing all the strength in my life
Now you turn and run away from me
Needing all the strength in my life
Now you turn and run away from me

City And Colour

City And Colour


Ver más info

Artista: City And Colour
Canción: Weightless
Duración: 03:32
Vistas: 190.145
Álbum: Little hell
Etiquetas: singer-songwriter, acoustic rock, rock, soulful, canadian

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