O' sister Letra

City And Colour

El tema "O' sister" interpretado por City And Colour pertenece a su disco "Little hell". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "O' sister" de City And Colour.

O' sister lyrics

Oh sister,
What's wrong with your mind?
You used to be so strong and stable.

My sister, What made you fall from grace?
I'm sorry that I wasn't there to catch you.
What have the demons done?
What have the demons with the luminous light that once shined from your eyes?
What makes you feel so alone?
To the whispering ghosts that you feel the most.

But the blackness in your heart won't last forever.
I know it's tearing you apart,
But it's a storm you can weather.

Oh sister,
Those lines etched in your hands
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-o-sister-city-and-colour ]
Well they are harder than most
Like the road map of sorrow

My sister,
There's sadness on your face.
Like a motherless child whose longing for comfort.

What's running through your veins?
Thats causing all this pain
Has it something to do with the pills they gave to you
What is eating at your soul?
Is it the whispering ghost that let you out in the cold

But the blackness in your heart cannot last forever.
I know it's tearing you apart
But it's a storm you can weather.

Oooooh Oooooh Oooooh Oh
Oh sister,
My sister.

City And Colour

City And Colour

O' sister

Ver más info

Artista: City And Colour
Canción: O' sister
Duración: 04:16
Vistas: 200.538
Álbum: Little hell
Etiquetas: singer-songwriter, beautiful, acoustic, anna, folk

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