Sorrowing man Letra

City And Colour

El tema "Sorrowing man" interpretado por City And Colour pertenece a su disco "Little hell". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Sorrowing man" de City And Colour.

Sorrowing man lyrics

Sorrowing man, look how worn you've become,
You once were Lord of the baron sea
There’s blood on our hands, in this perfect madness,
you're living on borrowed time

Oh how you have lost your way
Oh how you have lost your way

There's no sympathy for we don't know the cure,
[ De: ]
Cause what you've got, well it runs too pure
But you've lived and breathed more than any man I know
But you're not done, oh, at least, I hope

Oh how you have lost your way
Oh how you have lost your way
In this life what we have made together
Oh how you have lost your way

Oh how you have lost your way
Oh how you have lost your way
City And Colour

City And Colour

Sorrowing man

Ver más info

Artista: City And Colour
Canción: Sorrowing man
Duración: 04:32
Vistas: 161.309
Álbum: Little hell
Etiquetas: baby i grew you a beard, my conscious descent into a false existence, just me and the road, rock, soundtrack to my theoretical descent into alcoholism

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