Trace of trait Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Trace of trait" de Almah.

Trace of trait lyrics

Evolutionary change
Defines our current state
Where did we stray from our path?

Our deformed mankind
Was oneday sublime
It's lost and forgotten in our past

Trace of trait

When you look behind
There is no one there
You're in the mirror of death
The ways to re-find
The spirit of life
[ De: ]
Are lost and mutation goes on

Did the origin of life
Start out in space?
Did only earth get the gift of life?

Where do we go?
And what will we be?
Shadows from our own non-being

Trace of trait

When you look behind
There is no one there
You're in the mirror of death
The ways to re-find
The spirit of life
Are lost and mutation goes on


Trace of trait

Ver más info

Artista: Almah
Canción: Trace of trait
Duración: 04:23
Vistas: 7.548

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