Almah Letra


El tema "Almah" interpretado por Almah pertenece a su disco "Almah". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Almah" de Almah.

Almah lyrics

Cells of a chemical trance
Flow by the endless river ways
Bringing seeds of time
Memories of cold winter days
Sleep throught the screams of wind of change
Erasing bleeding scars

New days
A new start
Unreal time

You you you that

Life is like a rainy day
That comes to hide
The sunshine
Always it back again

Lonely you fly by the space
And you know the thorn
[ De: ]
Of wailing ages
It's the journey of life
Into the treasure of faith
You find the holy secret keys
And open hidden doors

New days
A new start
Unreal time

You you you that

Life is like a rainy day
That comes to hide
The sunshine
Always it back again

Reaching the field of wealth
I leave all my shadows behind
I keep on singing i set free
The sins
I've been sowing inside



Ver más info

Artista: Almah
Canción: Almah
Duración: 05:35
Vistas: 6.869
Álbum: Almah

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