Birds of prey Letra


El tema "Birds of prey" interpretado por Almah pertenece a su disco "Fragile equality". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Birds of prey" de Almah.

Birds of prey lyrics

Destination: a thousand ways to go
Indignation: scythe that cuts your soul
Your trail doesn't end with your fears
But makes them stronger

Lies in disguise in the name of trust
The road you take away, how far you go
You know that time is a wall
And one more illusion

You die
You fail
You live in a trail
They burn
You cry
Dead glance

Forever you'll keep on
[ De: ]
Your dreams you left behind
It lives in crystal form
They're still alive

Like birds of prey

The wolves you ride away
They fight to free their land
With fire within emotions
You stock your hate

Like birds of prey

Now you see you're reaping what they sowed
Green are the seeds of evil, watch them grow
And you're almost reaching the end
Arise and just move on

Like birds of prey
Like birds of prey


Birds of prey

Ver más info

Artista: Almah
Canción: Birds of prey
Duración: 04:46
Vistas: 26.662
Álbum: Fragile equality
Etiquetas: power metal, brazil, melodic metal, brasil, metal

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