Meet you there Letra


El tema "Meet you there" interpretado por Augustana pertenece a su disco "Can't love, can't hurt". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Meet you there" de Augustana.

Meet you there lyrics

Climb up a mountain, just to watch it come down,
but sooner or later babe, you're gonna need me around
'cause you're getting older, there in't no stopping that,
it's a backstabbing world honey, just lean your head back,

the fool in me,
it's like a dream, you see,
but if the world is right,
and meet you there someday,

six in the morning, never felt so sweet,
[ De: ]
just put on lucinda baby, and dance with me,
i know i'm hard to count on,
forget half what i'm told,
you probably only know my voice from
a goddam microphone,

it's a waste,
a teenage taste of me,
but if daddy cries, just say goodnight,
and i'll come,
if i could change,
i'd keep away the rain,
and the sun would shine every night,
and i'll come meet you there


Meet you there

Ver más info

Artista: Augustana
Canción: Meet you there
Duración: 03:13
Vistas: 198.099
Álbum: Can't love, can't hurt
Etiquetas: indie rock, love, alternative rock, alternative, piano rock

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