I still ain't over you Letra


El tema "I still ain't over you" interpretado por Augustana pertenece a su disco "Can't love, can't hurt". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "I still ain't over you" de Augustana.

I still ain't over you lyrics

Out of luck and out of tune,
half a day and night confused,
love may wash away the blues,
but i still ain't over you,

damn the day that i forgot,
came so close and almost lost,
it's been one year and fourteen months,
but i still ain't over you,

hey, i'm the blood in your veins,
i'm the cold when it rains,
i'm your heart when it breaks,
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-i-still-ain-t-over-you-augustana ]
time, no ain't on our side,
i'm the truth to your lie,
i'm your tear when you cry,

back and forth, and side to side,
right ain´t wrong if wrong ain´t right,
well i will love you day and night,
'cause i still ain´t over you

when the walls come crashing in,
when the flames come closer then,
just remember time and again,
i still ain´t over you



I still ain't over you

Ver más info

Artista: Augustana
Canción: I still ain't over you
Duración: 03:31
Vistas: 265.632
Álbum: Can't love, can't hurt
Etiquetas: rock, augustana, indie, piano rock, alternative rock

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