Dust Letra


El tema "Dust" interpretado por Augustana pertenece a su disco "Can't love, can't hurt". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dust" de Augustana.

Dust lyrics

So go on and tear it up,
black and cold with the dust,
'cause i believed in the lord,
but he don´t show up anymore,

if you can´t trust the wind,
who can you trust?
if you can't love sin, who can you love?
if i begin will tou let me finish up?
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-dust-augustana ]
if a fell down would you pick me up?
if i don't drink from a silver cup, like you,
would you say so long, farewell,
and good luck?

if a man can't lie, how can he speak?
if the sun don't rise,
would the moon be out of reach?
if a came home,
would you get down on your knees?




Ver más info

Artista: Augustana
Canción: Dust
Duración: 05:03
Vistas: 160.434
Álbum: Can't love, can't hurt
Etiquetas: piano rock, heard live, alternative rock, love, rock

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