Love can wait Letra

The Glee Project

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Love can wait" de The Glee Project.

Love can wait lyrics

If love is a feeling,
then I don't want it
You'll take it and make it into more

But if you want something
that really means something,
I'll show you what love is really for.

And if you want me
to say, "You don't have change,"

[ De: ]
I've been waiting patiently.
Well, love can wait for me, love can wait for me

And if you want me
to say, "You don't have change,"

I've been waiting patiently.
Well, love can wait for me, love can wait for me

Whoa whoa whoa whoa,
The Glee Project

The Glee Project

Love can wait

Ver más info

Artista: The Glee Project
Canción: Love can wait
Duración: 03:27
Vistas: 373

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