Like a virgin Letra

The Glee Project

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Like a virgin" de The Glee Project.

Like a virgin lyrics

I made it through the wilderness
somehow i made it through
didn't know how lost i was
until i found you
i was beat incomplete
i'd been had, i was sad and blue
but you made me feel
yeah, you made me feel
shiny and new
[ De: ]

like a virgin
touched for the very first time
like a virgin
when your heart beats next to mine

like a virgin, ooh, ooh
you make me feel like a virgin
touched for the very first time
like a virgin
like a virgin.
The Glee Project

The Glee Project

Like a virgin

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Artista: The Glee Project
Canción: Like a virgin
Duración: 01:10
Vistas: 543

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