Gimme gimme Letra

The Glee Project

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Gimme gimme" de The Glee Project.

Gimme gimme lyrics

A simple choice, nothing more.
This or that, either or.
Marry well, social whirl, business man, clever girl.
Or pin my future on a green glass love.
What kind of life am I dreaming of?

I say gimme, gimme
that thing called love.
I need it.
Highs and lows, tears and laughter,
gimme happy ever after.
[ De: ]
gimme gimme
that thing called love.
that thing called love.

I don't care if he's a nobody.
In my heart, he'll be a somebody,
somebody to love me

I need it.
gimme that thing called love.
I wannit
here I am, St. Valentine
My bags are packed; I'm first in line
gimme gimme that thing called love
The Glee Project

The Glee Project

Gimme gimme

Ver más info

Artista: The Glee Project
Canción: Gimme gimme
Duración: 02:09
Vistas: 297

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