Let the party Letra

Lucciana Gordon

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Let the party" de Lucciana Gordon.

Let the party lyrics

If you live here, you can easily
If you live there, more rate rises
Make it be strong
Make it be so long
I don' walk, just kicking
I don't talk only know what
If you're gonna take me,
I get you today
Let the party,
This is just beginning,
I know I should stay,
We will not be bound,
Let the tirme,
This barely lived,
I know I should keepin',
We will not always
Don't know how confused
I know it's strange
I will not let go
I get it and you also here
You don't know what I went
You don't know what I thought
You just wanna to go home
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-let-the-party-lucciana-gordon ]
Cause 'you can not without wings
Let the party,
This is just beginning,
I know I should stay,
We will not be bound,
Let the tirme,
This barely lived,
I know I should keepin',
We will not always
Get something better,
For our lives,
Let the party, (let the party)
This is just beginning, (beginning)
I know I should stay, (I should stay)
We will not be bound, (not be bound)
Let the tirme, (let the tirme)
This barely lived, (barely lived)
I know I should keepin', (I should keepin')
We will not always (will not always, will not always,)
will not always, let the party, let the tirme

Lucciana Gordon

Lucciana Gordon

Let the party

Ver más info

Artista: Lucciana Gordon
Canción: Let the party
Vistas: 95

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