I want to stay like gonna Letra

Lucciana Gordon

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "I want to stay like gonna" de Lucciana Gordon.

I want to stay like gonna lyrics

I've been waiting for.
A moment that makes me real
that to preserve this end,
I try to stay standing, right now
Cause 'that I find the reason
I've been waiting so long
And right now I'm living

Right here
I show you me against the world
I'm giving back the other way around
I want to keep
everything within my mind
cause 'of course to fly?
I want to stay like gonna
I want to stay like gonna

So easy I will,
I don't wanna to keep any promises
They say it is not difficult to clear
Cause 'it's just a lot to me
They want to leave me alone?
Should not say this often
I am somewhat irritatin' and clumsy with my feet

Right here
I show you me against the world
I'm giving back the other way around
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-i-want-to-stay-like-gonna-lucciana-gordon ]
I want to keep
everything within my mind
cause 'of course to fly?
I want to stay like gonna
I want to stay like gonna

Maybe people say
Maybe people act in
especially as they don't care
but who knows what keeps his mind within?
would like to know what you think right now
right now
I hold your hand throughout the shooting world
And roll (whooaaaa)
And roll (whoaaaaa)
And Roll (WhoooAaa)

Right here
I show you me against the world
I'm giving back the other way around
I want to keep
everything within my mind
cause 'of course to fly?
I want to stay like gonna
I want to stay like gonna

And people wanna to let it fly
Cause 'to stay within
When are you against the world
When are you against the world

Lucciana Gordon

Lucciana Gordon

I want to stay like gonna

Ver más info

Artista: Lucciana Gordon
Canción: I want to stay like gonna
Vistas: 84

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