Flying without wings Letra

Lucciana Gordon

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Flying without wings" de Lucciana Gordon.

Flying without wings lyrics

Yeah I yeah
Don't let go'
Don't let you'

Perhaps the world I want here
I stopped walking, waiting
Because 'is true, everything happens for a reason
The reason that I can't fly
You have taken away my wings

And the world stops me
When I try to walk
And I loaded my backpack weighs
You may need to be yours

Love is accompanied
And always lend a hand
This should be you and me
When we walk together in the street
And people are contented and happy
Smiles on their faces, whoaaa
Flying without wings

The world was off, and don't know why 'cause'
I know you wanna to go home,
I will not let you run out to be myself
Cause 'that I try to be good
Still, I can't erase it,
And it sounds like no fun
How do you do
[ De: ]

And the world stops me
When I try to walk
And I loaded my backpack weighs
You may need to be yours

Love is accompanied
And always lend a hand
This should be you and me
When we walk together in the street
And people are contented and happy
Smiles on their faces, whoaaa
Flying without wings

I gave my heart,
Full circle to you,
And I get off.
Will not let me forget so
Who were you here,
I spend the view up
I know I will not give up ever
And the world stops me
When I try to walk
And I loaded my backpack weighs
You may need to be yours

Love is accompanied
And always lend a hand
This should be you and me
When we walk together in the street
And people are contented and happy
Smiles on their faces, whoaaa
Flying without wings
Lucciana Gordon

Lucciana Gordon

Flying without wings

Ver más info

Artista: Lucciana Gordon
Canción: Flying without wings
Vistas: 64

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