Hecate Letra

Hazy Hamlet

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Hecate" de Hazy Hamlet.

Hecate lyrics

Now there is much time
that the curse arrived
to nothing distinguish
(I was persuaded).

The good and evil
don't know anymore
and day by day the mistake
increases more and more.

Mist and plague - three witches I see.
Poison and magic - forsake in this sea.

And I was gambled
where all seems standing
and the black poison
corrupts my bones.

I can not move
trinity arrests me
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-hecate-hazy-hamlet ]
nothing to say
I became a slave

And I wish I had never heard
oh oh oh Hécate
Queen of the night, they have no name,
fire and water, wind and rain
One more time treason comes
oh oh oh Hécate

Queen of witches
when I will be enough evil
to drink all your poison
to the death, madness or fall?

The sun doesn't rise
and I am in this sea for a long time
there're no islands here
to moor our ship - so torn

Hazy Hamlet

Hazy Hamlet


Ver más info

Artista: Hazy Hamlet
Canción: Hecate
Duración: 02:14
Vistas: 61

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