Funeral for a vicking Letra

Hazy Hamlet

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Funeral for a vicking" de Hazy Hamlet.

Funeral for a vicking lyrics

Gods of the elements
this is the season of fall
Darkness covering my vision
blood staining the wall

Day after day
the time seems to drain
The truest things
taken by the rain

The final battle has begun
I hope to be reminded as a brave
'Cause there's nothing beyond the ashes,
except the memory
[ De: ]

Day after day
the time seems to drain
The truest things
taken by the rain

Like a warrior
one battle will bring my sunset
Ancient lore
I will return to my holy land

Set me in my boat
and let me go
I will return to the thunder
To my gods
Make me ashes,
eternal return by fire
Hazy Hamlet

Hazy Hamlet

Funeral for a vicking

Ver más info

Artista: Hazy Hamlet
Canción: Funeral for a vicking
Vistas: 90

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