The beginning of the end Letra

Hazy Hamlet

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "The beginning of the end" de Hazy Hamlet.

The beginning of the end lyrics

I start to hear the screams
Fear echoes deep in my heart
In everywhere the destruction begins
And now I know who you are.

All's falling by your side
Now I Know your destination
This is the begining of the night
The end of "God's creation".

The Black Moon's Rising
Between the mist and the battle sounds
The council was conspired
And Decimated one by one

Blood and fire
Now were joined
In the taking
of the throne.
I Know who you are
[ De: ]
It's all in the Holy Writs
I know what you came for
The Emperor - is your name

All the idols begin to fall
And there's nothing more to see
Emptiness is covering this place
Something new is rising here.

The Black Moon's Rising
Between the mist and the battle sounds
The council was conspired
And Decimated one by one

Blood and fire
Now were joined
In the taking
of the throne.
I Know who you are
It's all in the Holy Writs
I know what you came for
The Emperor - is your name
Hazy Hamlet

Hazy Hamlet

The beginning of the end

Ver más info

Artista: Hazy Hamlet
Canción: The beginning of the end
Duración: 04:34
Vistas: 128

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