Good to your earhole Letra


El tema "Good to your earhole" interpretado por Funkadelic pertenece a su disco "Let's take it to the stage". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Good to your earhole" de Funkadelic.

Good to your earhole lyrics

I'm going to give you what you're here for
I've got the means to take you there
I'm not here to kill you softly
But I promise to be good to your earhole

Put your hands together, come on and stomp your feet
Put your hands together, come on and get in beat(Lord)
There's a good time waiting for you, come on and let's get free

Mashing your brain like silly putty
Leaving you in a better frame of mind
Drowning out the voices that bug you
[ De: ]
But I promise to be good to your earhole

Put your hands together, come on and stomp your feet
Put your hands together, come on and get in beat(Lord)
There's a good time waiting for you, come on and let's get free

I'm not here to kill you softly
But I promise to be good to your earhole

Put your hands together, come on and stomp your feet
Put your hands together, come on and start the beat(Lord)
There's a good time waiting for you, come on and let's get free


Good to your earhole

Ver más info

Artista: Funkadelic
Canción: Good to your earhole
Duración: 04:36
Vistas: 13.579
Álbum: Let's take it to the stage
Etiquetas: psychedelic rock, funk, drjazzmrfunkmusic, funk tag, funkadelic

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