Forgotten Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Forgotten" de Acrostichon.

Forgotten lyrics

"i am clean forgotten
as a dead man out of mind
i am become like a broken vessel
For i have heard
the blasphemy of the multitude
ans fear is on every side
while they conspire against me"
Drowning in a sea
a sea of twisted shapes
[ De: ]
escaping from reality
not knowing how to behave
I find myself in the last fase
prepare for neverending days
beyond consious life
i feel myself die
I left my innosense behind
i heard the distant cries
i know your cause, your task
so please take down that mask



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Artista: Acrostichon
Canción: Forgotten
Duración: 04:56
Vistas: 778
Etiquetas: death metal

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