Engraved in black Letra


El tema "Engraved in black" interpretado por Acrostichon pertenece a su disco "Engraved in black". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Engraved in black" de Acrostichon.

Engraved in black lyrics

There's no turning back
back out of life
life's adversity
a grotesque contradiction
Drowning in hope
hope gets distorted
distorted mental state
feel the pain of life
I hold in contempt
those without thoughts
a stupid kind of happyness
not aware of what's to come
scarce moment of joy
to good to be true
feelings lighten up
who will take it away
Thinking you've got friends
feeling good inside
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-engraved-in-black-acrostichon ]
comparative moments
of joy will fade away
gaining feelings
it feels so good inside
comparative moments of joy
will be taken away
People surrounding me
don't understand my ways
forcing myself into depression

Going through a mental hell
bust up my own mind
comparative moment of joy
has been taken away
time after time
things seem so different
don't grow attached to people
they'll take it all away



Engraved in black

Ver más info

Artista: Acrostichon
Canción: Engraved in black
Duración: 05:56
Vistas: 1.446
Álbum: Engraved in black
Etiquetas: death metal

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