Dehumanized Letra


El tema "Dehumanized" interpretado por Acrostichon pertenece a su disco "Engraved in black". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dehumanized" de Acrostichon.

Dehumanized lyrics

Haunted with fear
watch the others die
experience of fear
human forms will burn
Dehumanizing beings
fill the wickerman
celtic folk tradition
human forms will burn
I cannot believe
i deserve this fate
[ De: ]
others did it too
hundreds of them are here
Giant wooden statue
filled with criminals
exterior beauty
hundreds will die tonights
Smell of burning flesh
entering my brain
skin turns to black
blood boils, death
[repeat i]



Ver más info

Artista: Acrostichon
Canción: Dehumanized
Duración: 04:04
Vistas: 2.184
Álbum: Engraved in black
Etiquetas: death metal, metal, thrash metal, old school death metal

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