Empty spaces Letra


El tema "Empty spaces" interpretado por Fuel pertenece a su disco "Something like human". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Empty spaces" de Fuel.

Empty spaces lyrics

Mister, could you maybe lend a hand
to help a drowning, starving, soulless man?
whose eyes are blind and feelings all but numb
whose ears are also deaf and mouth is dumb
This is the way, is the way
i fill your spaces now
it's the way, it's the way
cuz all that's been left for me
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-empty-spaces-fuel ]
is to fight to fill these empty spaces now
Nigh t is day and day is night again
and all that's eating bites with toothy grins
the pages of my memory torn in twain
where reconstructing lies could not contain
This is the way, is the way
i fill your spaces now
it's the way, it's the way
cuz all that's been left for me
is to fight to fill these empty spaces now



Empty spaces

Ver más info

Artista: Fuel
Canción: Empty spaces
Duración: 03:24
Vistas: 126.046
Álbum: Something like human
Etiquetas: alternative, alternative rock, rock, fuel, hard rock

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