Easy Letra


El tema "Easy" interpretado por Fuel pertenece a su disco "Something like human". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Easy" de Fuel.

Easy lyrics

I've seen your "johnny come lately"
seen your exiled love parade
for you, another hit is so easy
one more mask for the charade
Yeah, you don't hear the sounds i hear
yeah, you don't feel the fear you fear
the distance that is there
well, it's wearing pretty thing now
and breaking you down is gonna be so easy
I've felt your high and mighty
parasols and darkest shades
your sideways glance says "maybe"
longing eyes give you away
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-easy-fuel ]
Yeah, you don't hear the sounds i hear
yeah, you don't feel the fear you fear
the distance that is there
well, it's wearing pretty thing now
and breaking you down is gonna be so easy
We'll walk this way now, baby
bring the pleasure, bring the pain
your secret's safe with me for saving
no one has to know you came
Yeah, you don't hear the sounds i hear
yeah, you don't feel the fear you fear
the distance that is there
well, it's wearing pretty thing now
and breaking you down is gonna be so easy




Ver más info

Artista: Fuel
Canción: Easy
Duración: 04:25
Vistas: 76.824
Álbum: Something like human
Etiquetas: alternative rock, fuel, rock, post-grunge, alternative

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