Die like this Letra


El tema "Die like this" interpretado por Fuel pertenece a su disco "Natural selection". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Die like this" de Fuel.

Die like this lyrics

The angels cry tonight
as the rain washed that lonely place
from their eyes
and softly as she said
you know our hearts will never get
out alive
she made no sound
then goodbye
she said love dont call on me again
i never want to cry like this
die like this
no more favors my old friend
i never want to cry like this
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-die-like-this-fuel ]
die like this
and so we danced alone
but pain is always so betrayed
with our eyes
but i know now
on hearts the faithless cant rely
do reams make no sound
as they die

Remeber the nights
by the river side
no secrets from our sins
and the world would not subside
and the worst thing
is knowing
that ill survive



Die like this

Ver más info

Artista: Fuel
Canción: Die like this
Duración: 04:28
Vistas: 70.327
Álbum: Natural selection
Etiquetas: emo, grunge, alternative rock, alternative, rock

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