Dreamon Letra


El tema "Dreamon" interpretado por Anata pertenece a su disco "Dreams of death and dismay". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dreamon" de Anata.

Dreamon lyrics

A haunting ghoul
i am the demon who rapes your soul
raping your mind i take control
I am the one visiting your dream
i am the one with the vilest scheme
i see you in your dreams every night
i make your body convulse in fright
Twisting your hands to masturbate
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-dreamon-anata ]
with sinful thoughts i thee saturate
bride of the beast groom i create
I soak the rag in chloroform
you breathe the mighty winds of the storm
as soon as you've anaesthetized
i do everything i've fantasized
This never was a dream
but you'll never realize
Don't be afraid, you will not die
as long as you keep me satisfied




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Artista: Anata
Canción: Dreamon
Duración: 02:25
Vistas: 8.803
Álbum: Dreams of death and dismay
Etiquetas: technical death metal

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