Drain of blood Letra


El tema "Drain of blood" interpretado por Anata pertenece a su disco "Dreams of death and dismay". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Drain of blood" de Anata.

Drain of blood lyrics

My powers are running low
my strength is about to die
my soul needs to be fortified
Drain of blood
powers flood
How divine
i feel your heartbeat next to mine
my soothing hand along your spine
the way to end my inner strife
goes through your blood
i need your life
I admit my mind is sick
obviously my strength's anemic
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-drain-of-blood-anata ]
your death is the antidote
now your blood runs down my throat
drained of blood
rivers flood
How divine
another heartbeats next to mine
my soothing hand along her spine
the way to end my inner strife
goes through her blood
i need her life
This last injection
exceeds all expectations
[lead: schalin]
Once again my rivers flood
as you were drained of blood



Drain of blood

Ver más info

Artista: Anata
Canción: Drain of blood
Duración: 03:58
Vistas: 7.748
Álbum: Dreams of death and dismay
Etiquetas: technical death metal, eargasm

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