Die laughing Letra


El tema "Die laughing" interpretado por Anata pertenece a su disco "Dreams of death and dismay". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Die laughing" de Anata.

Die laughing lyrics

I realize as i awake
life's to be taken to a new level
belief is not the way
dogma will dispirit your soul
The only road to mastery of life
is to determine it's extremity
when it shall expire
[lead: schalin]
Choosing victim is easy
enemies are first in line
you are the sworn
targets for my crime
expectations are growing fast
stronger as i plan
life's to get new dimensions
mercy denied, i celebrate
Only road to mastery
determine life's extremity
someone's gonna die
Moment of death i release the blood
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-die-laughing-anata ]
awaiting thrills but i'm still cold
instead of the power i'd possess
reinjected emptiness
A belief in something
that couldn't fulfill my needs
i feel nausea
with myself, not with my deeds
So i'm back where i begun
but the only way out is another one
[lead: schalin]
Tired, confused, exhausted
i stab the dagger to my chest
my strength is not enough
enough to penetrate
pitiful i am
and despite the pain
laughter from my throat
i just can't restrain
I vomit, i laugh, i suffocate
ironic no one can deny
beside my victim i laugh to death
oh what a funny way to die



Die laughing

Ver más info

Artista: Anata
Canción: Die laughing
Duración: 03:57
Vistas: 10.992
Álbum: Dreams of death and dismay
Etiquetas: metal monk approved, death metal, brutal death metal, technical death metal, progressive death metal

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