Whisper Letra

Plain Jane Automobile

El tema "Whisper" interpretado por Plain Jane Automobile pertenece a su disco "The collector". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Whisper" de Plain Jane Automobile.

Whisper lyrics

Your winter heart pretends
That all of this won't end
And your lips will sting
And burn, then sing when we kiss

Where streets are paved in gold
A million miles from home
And the flags are raised
As if to say 'begin'

Well, the hunters are engaged
And the victims have been caged
And they kneel and pray
And steal the day from you

So now I'm crawling
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-whisper-plain-jane-automobile ]
Crawling back to you

Whisper that you need me

Come on, love
Don't let go
I see the start
And I can't say no
Lover, let go
You're under my skin
I'm at the door
Would you let me leave, let me in
Then whisper
That you need me

Your winter heart pretends
That all of this will never end
And your lips will sting
And burn, then sing when we kiss

Plain Jane Automobile
Ver más info

Artista: Plain Jane Automobile
Canción: Whisper
Duración: 04:57
Vistas: 1.320
Álbum: The collector

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