Tear yourself to bits Letra

Plain Jane Automobile

El tema "Tear yourself to bits" interpretado por Plain Jane Automobile pertenece a su disco "The collector". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Tear yourself to bits" de Plain Jane Automobile.

Tear yourself to bits lyrics

Come on
And stop at all the lies
White lies, they black out both your eyes
Let go, and let your faith decide
How long your heart can take the ride

And if you go when it's low
You'll never feel the rush
Too scared to see us on the
Other side
Easy love, if you go you can't come back
I'll never let you come back
We'll be there to hold on when you die

Do us a favor
And tear yourself to bits

Go on and blame the rest of us
And just go and change the story line
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-tear-yourself-to-bits-plain-jane-automobile ]
Perhaps you'll make a go of it
And just once
I'd like to see you try

And if you go when it's low
You'll never feel the rush
Too scared to see us on the
Other side
Easy love, if you go you can't come back
I'll never let you come back
We'll be there to hold on when you die

Do us a favor
And tear yourself to bits

No more tears for you
'Cause no one's running after you
No more tears for you
'Cause no one's running after

Do us a favor
And tear yourself to bits

Plain Jane Automobile

Plain Jane Automobile

Tear yourself to bits

Ver más info

Artista: Plain Jane Automobile
Canción: Tear yourself to bits
Duración: 04:40
Vistas: 1.971
Álbum: The collector

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