Turns out Letra

Jessica Gordon

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Turns out lyrics

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It's too late to say you loved me,
Yet these days, is usually below
Like other top maybe
We are the ones
Looking at my face wet,
For every drop of water,
Seems to lie down under it

I've never seen the sun,
maybe was just something metal
and a hologram to say goodbye
I can not let it fly very close to my
I imagine the straight line to me
Every morning gets to me
Turns Out

Leave it to the dark side
I know that much fun for me cry
Maybe the light that was near you,
And to stand beside me again
Get an easier exit
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-turns-out-jessica-gordon ]
I'm up in the controller
And feeling the fire in my veins
I know I run faster than normal

I've never seen the sun,
maybe was just something metal
and a hologram to say goodbye
I can not let it fly very close to my
I imagine the straight line to me
Every morning gets to me
Turns Out

It's like the only one,
I'm trying to stay in the middle,
But let it fly down
Let me out of here
Let me stay out

I've never seen the sun,
maybe was just something metal
and a hologram to say goodbye
I can not let it fly very close to my
I imagine the straight line to me
Every morning gets to me
Turns Out

Jessica Gordon

Jessica Gordon

Turns out

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Artista: Jessica Gordon
Canción: Turns out
Vistas: 98

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