Hit me the world Letra

Jessica Gordon

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Hit me the world" de Jessica Gordon.

Hit me the world lyrics

There is no way back
Cause’ that I be without you today
Yeah, I try to breathe even
Cause’ that I don’t gonna let you go

I never said anything like that
I know I have a fear of flying
My mind does not cease to be free
House so that anything attemped

I wanna to be the last
Or maybe just let me be the first
I know there’s something down the road
Cause’ it costs more and more walkin’
And you promised to take my hand
And don’t leave me alone, if hit me the world

Give the heart
Cause 'the best start
Sometimes I want to say goodbye
I dream collapsing into

I don’t wanna to meet
Just being outside I'm fine
I don’t wanna a boy hero
Only that protects me from my fears eternal

[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-hit-me-the-world-jessica-gordon ]
I wanna to be the last
Or maybe just let me be the first
I know there’s something down the road
Cause’ it costs more and more walkin’
And you promised to take my hand
And don’t leave me alone, if hit me the world

Not break,
If you're still by my side
It will remain up sun
And don’t fall down

I am more than a circle
And let me completely out
Cause 'in my smile
Only if these your

I wanna to be the last
Or maybe just let me be the first
I know there’s something down the road
Cause’ it costs more and more walkin’
And you promised to take my hand
And don’t leave me alone, if hit me the world

If hit me the world
If hit me the world
If hit me the world
If hit me the world

Jessica Gordon

Jessica Gordon

Hit me the world

Ver más info

Artista: Jessica Gordon
Canción: Hit me the world
Vistas: 105

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