The tie that binds Letra


Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "The tie that binds" de Otenki.

The tie that binds lyrics

It's in the way you
Take the words coming out of my mouth
And twist them all around just to make it sound
Like I hate you now
For every single indiscretion that we've ever had
You take the good with bad
Yes my dear it's tragic and it's sad

And you take, and you break every single promise said
Every single promise said
And you search for the line Dear John
In postcards and photographs and in the curious way that she laughs
At every little hook, lie and word you say

The tie that binds is breaking
We're drowning and the breaths we are taking aren't enough to fill our lungs
[ De: ]
Lets give up the ghost because we've become undone

And I'd erase you from my memory
But just like this ink going nine layers deep, underneath
I can feel you when I'm breathing in
Taking over every single molecule
You've become my oxygen

And you take, and you break every single promise said
Every single promise said
And you search for the line Dear John
In postcards and photographs and in the curious way that she laughs
At every little hook, lie and word you say

The tie that binds is breaking
We're drowning and the breaths we are taking aren't enough to fill our lungs
Lets give up the ghost because we've become undone


The tie that binds

Ver más info

Artista: Otenki
Canción: The tie that binds
Duración: 03:26
Vistas: 1.436
Álbum: The tie that binds-single

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