Making sense of static Letra


El tema "Making sense of static" interpretado por Otenki pertenece a su disco "Making sense of static". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Making sense of static" de Otenki.

Making sense of static lyrics

Color me pathetic, call me what you will
Making sense of static just to pay the bills
Another Friday night under hot spot lights
It's over, it's over

Do you want to do it just to make the grade
Do you want to do it to get paid
Do you want to do it for love
Or just to get laid, just to get yourself laid

Oh, so it seems that all of your dreams
Have turned out for the worst
You're wearing your heart on your sleeve
[ De: ]
And now its such a curse

We're at the point, We're at the point
Where nothing that you say matters much anyway
It doesn't matter what you say or do
It's the same old theme
With the same old views
I'm at the point

Giving into stardom and it's fleeting taste
You're given 15 minutes and its such a waste
Another famous fraud with a pretty face
It's over, it's over

What does it matter anyway


Making sense of static

Ver más info

Artista: Otenki
Canción: Making sense of static
Duración: 03:43
Vistas: 975
Álbum: Making sense of static

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