M is for mousetrap(corregida para el webmaster) Letra

Jetlag Productions

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "M is for mousetrap(corregida para el webmaster)" de Jetlag Productions.

M is for mousetrap(corregida para el webmaster) lyrics

(En la segunda línea me "comí" el "for")
M is for mousetrap which catches the mouse
M is for mammoth, big as a house
M is for monkeys who live in the trees
M is for moose-moose with great knobby knees

M is for magic which catches the eye
M is for monsoon, big as the sky
M is for magpies who live midst the leaves
M is for mongrels scratching their fleas

M is for mongoose which catches the snake
M is for manatee, big as a lake
M is for mackerel who live in the sea
M is for monsters (monsters?), who do what they please

M is for madness, it's plain to see
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-m-is-for-mousetrap-corregida-para-el-webmaster-jetlag-productions ]
M is for misplaced, mixed up me

M is for mousetrap, which catches the mouse
M is for mammoth, big as a house
M is for monkeys who lives in the trees
M is for moose-moose, with great knobby knees

M is for magic which catches the eye
M is for monsoon, big as the sky
M is for magpies who live midst the leaves
M is for mongrels scratching their flees

M is for mongoose which catches the snake
M is for manatee, big as a lake
M is for mackerel who lives in the sea
M is for monsters (monsters?) who do what they please

M is for madness, it's plain to see
M is for misplaced, mixed up me

Jetlag Productions

Jetlag Productions

M is for mousetrap(corregida para el webmaster)

Ver más info

Artista: Jetlag Productions
Canción: M is for mousetrap(corregida para el webmaster)
Vistas: 58

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