King of the jungle Letra

Jetlag Productions

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "King of the jungle" de Jetlag Productions.

King of the jungle lyrics

It's a great big jungle, someone's got to rule
The animals picked Leo 'cause he's no fool
He's as wise as an owl, quick as a fox
As fast as an antelope, strong as an ox

With those that are weak
He's as gentle as a lamb
With those that are wicked
He's a battering ram

He's the monarch, he's the master
He's the leader of the pack
The maestro, the model
He's a leader with a knack
For commander in the chief
The boss of everything
[ De: ]
All hail Leo, he's the jungle king

King of the jungle, king of the beasts
King of the mountain and glen
Strong is his breath, so keen is his growl
He is the king with the golden mane
And Leo is his name

He's the monarch, he's the master
He's the leader of the pack
The maestro, the model
He's a leader with a knack
For commander in the chief
The boss of everything
All hail Leo, he's the jungle king

All hail Leo, he's the jungle king
Jetlag Productions

Jetlag Productions

King of the jungle

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Artista: Jetlag Productions
Canción: King of the jungle
Vistas: 90

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