Forever december (early version) Letra

Tabitha's Secret

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Forever december (early version)" de Tabitha's Secret.

Forever december (early version) lyrics

I reach within my isolation, i harbor it, i honor it
you say you'd like to see me closer, of course you would, you have no choice
And i cry cause the weather has gotten to me
and i laugh at the people that i can't be all their lives silly pictures
hey now now now, hey now hey baby
baby's getting older, baby's getting older
hey now now now, hey now hey baby
the tide is turning, turning us away
You build the wall i'll build the fountain, we'll wrestle it, we'll conquer it
[ De: ]
i think we'll live to see the mountain, of course we will we have no choice
And i cry cause the weather has gotten to me
and i laugh at the people that i can't be all their lives silly pictures
Repeat chorus
And i can remember forever december
the center of dying, the heart of the pain
the rose in the bottle, the thorns in the bottom
the stars surround me, the cold astounds me
And i cry cause the weather has gotten to me
and i laugh at the people that i can't be all their lives pretty pictures
Repeat chorus x3
Tabitha's Secret

Tabitha's Secret

Forever december (early version)

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Artista: Tabitha's Secret
Canción: Forever december (early version)
Vistas: 112

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