Dizzy Letra

Tabitha's Secret

Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "Dizzy" de Tabitha's Secret.

Dizzy lyrics

And outside, the sky is falling
people dodging raindrops, staying dry
and inside, i never gave a damn about those outside people anyway
and it hurt me, they don't even know who i am
And inside, there's no rainbows
and inside, i try i try i try, i try to clear my head
and outside, the rain is drying, and inside, i'm dying
'cause in here, i'm staring at the rings my coffee cup has made on the table
and in here, i know i know i know, that this is as good as it gets
[ De: https://www.dicelacancion.com/letra-dizzy-tabitha-s-secret ]
and in time i hope to be the one that talks about the other half
until then, i count the cracks on the wall, until it's time to lay my head
And inside, i play with shadows
and inside, i know i know i know, that i'll feel this way all day, all day
and outside, there's hope for trying, and inside, i'm dying
You walk before me, lord knows i can't follow
you walk behind me and i don't think i can lead
you walk around me, please don't walk around me
'cause you know how dizzy i get

Tabitha's Secret
Ver más info

Artista: Tabitha's Secret
Canción: Dizzy
Duración: 03:46
Vistas: 4.139
Álbum: Tabitha's secret?

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