For a moment Letra


El tema "For a moment" interpretado por Zeraphine pertenece a su disco "Traumaworld". Ahora puedes escuchar y aprender la canción "For a moment" de Zeraphine.

For a moment lyrics

Dimensions are shifting
burning holes in my direction
the habit of lightness disintegrates
reconciliation fails,
i'm passing by within a whisper
everything appears a false delight
but in vain, i turn away
For a moment we paused without a reason
[ De: ]
could there be another way?
in free fall, but rising to the ceiling
now there's nothing left to feel
Obsession is hypnotising
it's so hard to look away
it's still unclear, if you are genuine
the door is locked and bolted
somehow, you keep on reminding
as tensions ease, i'm finding no relief


For a moment

Ver más info

Artista: Zeraphine
Canción: For a moment
Duración: 05:58
Vistas: 15.169
Álbum: Traumaworld
Etiquetas: gothic, rock, gothic rock

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